Bargaining Bulletin #6


Bargaining Bulletin #6 in PDF

Your bargaining committee met with the employer last week. During these discussions, the union made an extensive presentation about how performance objectives are assessed, and the need for change to a fairer system, with less stress at work.

We continue to resolve some non-monetary issues. Our next bargaining session is scheduled for the week of November 20th.

The bargaining committee wants to thank you all for your great participation in our coordinated actions last week. On Tuesday, Halloween flyers were distributed to members and circulated on social media by members, locals and even the National President. This message created a wave of support for the bargaining committee and for our demand to stop job erosion.

On Thursday’s “Wear Red” day there was another massive mobilization across Ontario and Quebec, and it was an amazing success as well. All Bell Clerical locals participated in the workplace action and it was great to see so many members wearing red to say, “Bell It’s Time!”

To see photos of these actions and workplace meetings this week please visit Unifor’s social media account. Go to If you have a photo that is not shown in this email please send it in. Email your photos, including selfies, to @email

The bargaining committee really felt the support from all of you last week. These actions also show the employer the strength and unity of the membership. Let’s keep it up and continue to stand in solidarity to fight for a fair contract.

Together, we will always be stronger!