PRC 2024 Resolutions

Resolution #1
Regional EFAP Conference

Unifor Prairie Council Will: 

  1. Hold a bi-annual EFAP/Mental Health/ Addictions Conference starting in 2025 with the timing and venue of the conference to be established by the Prairie Council executive board. 


Statistically 1 in 5 Canadians experience mental illness each year. This number also includes our Unifor Members. 

Equity seeking members may have additional mental health issues due to stigma and discrimination already abundant in society. Mental illness/addiction is an equity issue and protected grounds under human rights codes.

Unifor has an ongoing commitment to make sure workplace leadership have the tools and confidence to help our members who are experiencing mental health issues.

Unifor currently holds a bi-annual EFAP/ Mental Health/ Addictions Conference that takes place in Port Elgin, Ontario, that provides awareness and tools to support and advocate for our members, but attendance from the Prairie region is usually low. 

Prairie Region Members have a hard time attending the EFAP/ Mental Health/ Addictions Conference because of the travel distance from the Prairies to Port Elgin. This leaves significant travel cost to the Local Union, and additional lost time to Unifor Members who wish to attend. 

By holding bi-annual EFAP/Mental Health/ Addictions Conferences in the region of the Prairies, our delegates and leadership will have the opportunity to attend, and our members will benefit while alleviating the conflict of lengthy travel. 


According to CAMH, mental illness is the second leading cause of disability and premature death in Canada. About 4,000 Canadians per year die by suicide – an average of almost 11 suicides a day. It affects people of all ages and backgrounds. And;

While mental illnesses constitute more than 15 per cent of the burden of disease in Canada, they receive only 5.5 per cent of health-care dollars. And Less than 4 per cent of medical research funding in Canada goes to mental illness. And;

People living with physical disabilities and chronic physical health conditions experience depression and anxiety at twice the rate of the general population. Conversely, people living with a serious mental illness are at higher risk of experiencing a wide range of chronic physical conditions.

Submitted by Local 2002

Resolution #2
Made in Canada Matters 
Purchasing Canada Made in Transportation

Unifor Prairie Council Will: 

Create a campaign and a project for a Buy Canadian transport pact.

WHEREAS the delegates unanimously endorsed the President’s recommendation to encourage local purchasing during the last Unifor Canadian Council.

WHEREAS Unifor represents approximately 46,000 members in the transportation sector across Canada.

WHEREAS Unifor must fight to maintain and create quality jobs in the transportation sector in Canada, through local purchasing.

WHEREAS industrial competition from many other countries makes the market more difficult for local businesses and endangers many of our good jobs.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Unifor implement a municipal, provincial, and federal lobbying project, in order to convince governments to modify legislation with new laws, to better protect our jobs in the transportation sector through multiple measures, including local purchasing.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Unifor raise awareness among all locals about buying local in the transportation sector.

BE IT RESOLVED THAT Unifor make available to all locals’ model Collective Bargaining Agreement language promoting made in Canada purchasing for transportation.

Submitted by: Unifor Local 4050